Hello and welcome to INTO GAEA — a dedication and approved fanlisting for the music of Escaflowne. It's no secret that Tenkuu no Escaflowne is my all-time favorite anime and a good portion of that is due to the brilliantly stellar score. Composed and produced by Yoko Kanno and Hajime Mizoguchi, the series' musical themes and background incorporate a variety of styles including contemporary, classical, and Gregorian chant. I've been listening to the music from the series for over fifteen years now, and the cds are some of the very few I made an effort to purchase. If you want to learn more about the various tracks, my thoughts on them and other information, you can read over all of this and more in the the music section. Or if you're already a fan of the music from the series, please think about grabbing a code and joining the fanlisting!

Updated: 11th March 2025 • 5 + (0) fans • Part of TAFL